Remote sites now offered for D.C. court hearings
D.C. Superior Court now offers WIFI and computers for remote access to hearings at 5 locations. Call 202-879-1900 or email
D.C. Superior Court now offers WIFI and computers for remote access to hearings at 5 locations. Call 202-879-1900 or email
People really like my webpage on expunging your criminal record in D.C. They like the language so much they keep stealing it.
I am nosy. I am also a snob. I am curious what people choose to display in the background behind them during virtual hearings.
My mother once said that the hardest part about getting old was the fear of being marginalized. She felt this particularly acutely as an older woman. She complained about feeling invisible.
When marketing your writing services through mass emails, it is a good idea to make sure there are no typos, misspellings or grammatical errors in your message.
Tyler tells me to be patient. A couple of months ago I complained about how my Google rankings have tanked, and Tyler Suchman – my website guy from Tribalcore– has been working with me to try to reverse the trend.
I used to be King of Google for criminal defense in D.C. Traffic to my site was both wide (many visitors each day) and deep (visitors would stay for a long time, clicking on multiple pages each visit and then dwelling on them). More importantly, my site ranked number #1 for a number of important search terms that could lead to potential business: “simple assault dc,” prostitution solicitation dc,” “destruction of property dc,” “theft II dc,” “unlawful entry dc,” “expungement/sealing of criminal records dc,” and so on.
Guest Post by Mary Anne Brush We can all agree that smart kids sometimes do stupid things. Studies show that the teenage brain is not fully developed, which leads to impulsive decision-making. And who doesn’t believe an important part of raising children with character is holding them accountable for their actions? I work at a school, where I often hear …
This, from Prosecutor’s Discretion, says it much more persuasively than I ever could: Facebook, Twitter, Myspace (anyone use that anymore?), google+. I’m on record by saying I love them all. People need to brag about their crimes and what better way than in writing on Facebook. They love to threaten witnesses. They connect with a group of friends, which makes it easier to show …
I am a middle-aged man with some life experience. I have been doing criminal defense for a while now. Just yesterday I posted how many police officers “editorialize” when testifying. Still, I continue to be surprised – each time anew – every time a police officer gets up on the stand and lies. I should have seen the signs. There …
It is a snippet of life from a CVS store in the District, viewed again and again through 15 different surveillance cameras. There is a 5-minute view from one camera – say, for example, at the entrance of the store. When that 5 minutes is up, you go back in time like the Bill Murray character in Groundhog Day to …
One of the things I liked best about the Philadelphia public defender’s office – in addition to the camaraderie and sense of shared mission — was the support you got from other lawyers. If you had a legal question or wanted feedback on a possible trial tactic, you could step out into the court hallway or into the office next …
A proposal to install indoor surveillance cameras at Fairfax County schools in Virginia has created quite a controversy. With many parents still upset over harsh disciplinary practices in the schools that have led to a couple of suicides, critics of the proposal have expressed concern over any further encroachment on the civil liberties of students. They see the proposal …
I am dealing with a “hide-the-ball”-type prosecutor in Virginia. I have gotten spoiled from working with D.C. prosecutors; they are usually pretty upfront about what they have against your client. There are no ambushes or surprises. Your client has better information in deciding whether to plea. Everyone is better off for it. This is not that kind of prosecutor. …