Is it a ledger? Or is it an address book?
Q: Good morning, Officer.
A: Good morning, sir. How you doing?
Q: Fine, fine. Thank you.
A: All right.
Q: Officer. Your first name is Steven, right?
A: Yes.
Q: Do people call you Stevie?
A: I am sorry. You said Stevie?
Q: Yes. Stevie.
A: No, they do not.
Q: Okay. When we were watching the body worn camera yesterday, there was a scene – or segment – in which you were using a battering ram, right?
A: Correct.
Q: And while you were doing that, we could hear another officer shouting at you, go Stevie, go Stevie, right?
A: I believe they said, let’s go Steve. I believe that’s what they said. I believe. I’m not 100 percent.
Q: And when we were watching the body worn camera in court yesterday, I was watching your face and you laughed when we came to that part of the recording, right? You laughed?
A: I smiled.
Q: I see. So you watch yourself breaking into someone’s home in the early morning, they have a two-year-old child, and you found that funny?
A: You said I was breaking into their home? We were executing a search warrant.
Q: You have a battering ram, and you’re breaking down their door. It is early morning. They are sleeping.
A: I don’t know what they were doing.
Q: There is a child inside. It’s your testimony that’s not breaking into their home?
A: I would say it’s a Court ordered – a Court-issued search warrant. You’re making an entry into the home by force. So, yes, we were breaking through the door, but I’m not actually breaking into someone’s house.
Q: I see. And you and your colleagues view this as sort of fun, like a sporting event? Let’s go, Stevie, right?
A: No. I was actually laughing because I couldn’t hit the door. That’s why I was smiling . . .
Q: Officer, you testified earlier about recovering a so-called ledger from the hamper in the laundry room, right?
A: Officer Jones found it underneath the hamper in the little room right off the kitchen.
Q: You are using the word ledger because that suggests some type of business relationship, right? Maybe some type of illicit business?
A: I used the word ledger because that was the best word I could think of. Drug dealers often –
Q: — Officer. It was a spiral notebook with addresses and phone numbers on it, right?
A: Right.
Q: There were no drug quantities on there, no dollar amounts owed, nothing to indicate that this had anything to do with the sale of drugs, am I right?
A: I mean, it could be a ledger; it could be something else. I’m not sure what it was, but that’s why we collected –
Q: –What do you call a collection of names and telephone numbers? You call that an address book, right?
A: It could be considered one.
Q: Okay. But in this case, in your mind, it was a ledger, right?
A: It could have been, yes sir. It can be.
Q: Did anyone ever try to call any of the numbers listed on it?
A: Not to my knowledge.
Q: As far as you know, no one knows whose handwriting this was?
A: I don’t know who it belongs to, sir.
DEFENSE COUNSEL: May I approach?
THE COURT: You may.
Q: I am showing you what the government identified earlier as Government Exhibit 9. Do you remember testifying to this earlier?
A: I do.
Q: I would like you to take another look at it. Please look up when you have had the opportunity to refresh your memory.
A: I have looked at it. I remember it.
Q: You would agree with me that it consists only of a list of names and telephone numbers, right? And a few addresses?
A: Yes.
Q: You would also agree with me that there is a heart next to two of the names listed, right?
A: There appear to be, yes.
Q: Did either you or anyone else ever attempt to match the handwriting on this address book with my client’s handwriting?
A: I am not a handwriting expert.
Q: That was not my question.
A: Not to my knowledge.
Q: Did anyone try to take fingerprints or DNA evidence off the notebook?
A: Not that I remember.
A: Officer, does my client look like the type of guy who would put a heart next to someone’s name?
PROSECUTOR: Objection.
THE COURT: Sustained.
Q: Officer. You have seen the handwriting. Does this appear to be a man’s handwriting or a woman’s handwriting?
PROSECUTOR: Objection.
THE COURT: If he knows. Overruled.
THE WITNESS: I am not a handwriting expert. As I said, I have no idea who wrote this.