2023 Assignments for D.C. Superior Court
D.C. Superior Court recently announced a number of changes with respect to the assignment of judges within the Criminal Division. Notable changes are described below.
With respect to the misdemeanor calendar, Judge Laura Crane, Deborah Israel, and Kendra Briggs will now be sitting in courtrooms 111 (5th District), 116 (6th District) and 211 (7th District), respectively. Judge Peter Krauthamer will continue to cover the 2nd and 4th District dockets in courtroom 314. Senior judges will cover the 1st and 3rd District dockets in courtrooms 218 and 112, respectively.
On the traffic calendar, Judge Tanya Jones-Bosier has replaced Judge Shelly Mulkey in courtroom 310, covering the D.C. Calendar 1 docket. Judge Dorsey Jones has replaced Judge Judith Pipe in courtroom 316 for the D.C. Calendar 2 docket.
With respect to felony cases, Judge Michael O’Keefe has moved from the Felony 2 calendar to cover Felony 1 cases in courtroom 301. Judge Erik Christian will replace him on the Felony 2 calendar in courtroom 210. Judge Heidi Pasischow has replaced Judge James Crowell on the Felony 2 calendar in courtroom 210. Finally, Judge Errol Arthur has replaced retiring Judge William Nooter on the Felony 2 calendar in courtroom 302.
The full listing is provided below.
Courtroom 111, Judge Laura Crane, 5th District
Courtroom 112, Senior Judges (Judges Bartnoff, Broderick, Jackson, Rankin and Wynn), 3rd District
Courtroom 116, Judge Deborah Israel, 6th/7th District
Courtroom 218, Senior Judges (Judges Reid-Winston, Weisberg, Motley, Morin, Keary and Canan), 1st District
Courtroom 314, Judge Kendra Briggs, 2nd & 4th Districts
Traffic/D.C. Cases
Courtroom 310, Judge Tanya Jones-Bosier, D.C. Calendar 1
Courtroom 316, Judges Dorsey Jones, D.C. Calendar 2
Courtroom 201, Judge Rainey Brandt, Felony 1
Courtroom 202, Judge Andrea Herzfeld, Felony 2
Courtroom 203, Judge Maribeth Raffinan, Felony 1
Courtroom 213, Judge Lynn Leibovitz, Felony 2
Courtroom 215, Judge Michael Ryan, Felony 2
Courtroom 216, Judge Sean Staples, Felony 2
Courtroom 217, Judge Eric Christian, Felony 2
Courtroom 220, Judge Heidi Pasichow, Felony 2
Courtroom 233, Judge Anthony C. Epstein, Felony 1
Courtroom 301, Judge Michael O’Keefe, Felony 1
Courtroom 302, Judge Errol Arthur, Felony 2
Courtroom 303, Judge Marisa Demeo, Felony 1
Courtroom 317, Judge Jason Park, Felony 2
Courtroom 321, Judge Sean Staples, Felony 2
Domestic Violence
Courtroom 117, Judge Jennifer Anderson, Criminal
Courtroom 118, Judge Kimberley Knowles, Criminal
Civil Protection Orders
Courtroom 113, Judge Kenia Seoane Lopez, Civil 1
Courtroom 114, Judge Elizabeth Wingo, Civil 2
Arraignments/Detention Hearings/Preliminary Hearings
Courtroom C-10, Judges Jones, Mulkey, Pipe, Raymond
Courtroom 119, Judge Jones, Mulkey, Pipe, Raymond
Courtroom 120, Judge Jones, Mulkey, Pipe, Raymond
Drug Court
Courtroom 115, Judge Craig Iscoe (Mon, Wed & Fri)
Mental Health Court
Courtroom 115, Judge Craig Iscoe (Tues & Thurs) of