Failure to Conceal Pistol/Handgun in D.C.
It is a criminal offense in Washington, D.C. for a person licensed to carry a concealed pistol or handgun from carrying that firearm “openly or otherwise in a manner that is not concealed.” D.C. Code § 7-2509.07(e).
Similarly, D.C. Municipal Regulation § 2344.1 requires a “licensee” to “carry any pistol in a manner that it is entirely hidden from view of the public when carried on or about a person, or when in a vehicle in such a way that it is entirely hidden from view of the public.”
A “concealed pistol” is defined as a “loaded or unloaded pistol carried on or about a person entirely hidden from view of the public, or carried on or about a person in a vehicle in such a way as it is entirely hidden from view of the public.” D.C. Code § 7-2509.01(2).
“Concealed” means “not discernible by ordinary observation.” Abed v. United States, 278 A.3d 114, 127 (D.C. 2022). “On or about a person” means that the pistol was in such proximity to the person as to be convenient of access and within reach.” White v. United States, 714 A.2d 115, 119 (D.C. 1998).
Penalties for Failure to Conceal
Failure to carry a licensed pistol or firearm in a manner acceptable under the statute carries is a misdemeanor offense punishable by up to 180 days in jail and $1,000 fine. D.C. Code § 7-2509.10(a)(1).
Duties of Licensees
A person licensed to carry a concealed firearm is obligated to immediately report the loss, theft or destruction of the firearm, if known. The licensee must also report a change of address within 30 days. D.C. Code § 7-2509.04(b).
The licensee must carry both a copy of the license and the registration certificate each time the firearm is carried within the District. D.C. Code § 7-2509.04(c). If pulled over or stopped by a police officer, the licensee shall immediately disclose the possession of the concealed pistol; present the license and registration certificate; identify the location of the concealed pistol; and comply with all lawful orders from the officer, including allowing a pat down of his/her person and permitting the officer to take possession of the pistol for as long as is necessary for the protection of all concerned. D.C. Code § 7-2509.04(d).