Maximum Penalties for Criminal Offenses in D.C.
The maximum sentences and fines for most criminal offenses in Washington, D.C. are provided below.
MISDEMEANORS (maximum penalty of one year or less of incarceration)
Drug Offenses
Possession of Controlled Substance (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Possession of Prohibited Weapon (1 year/$2,500 fine)
Possession of Unregistered Ammunition (1 year/$2,500 fine)
Possession of Unregistered Firearm (1 year/$2,500 fine)
Offenses to the Person
Cruelty to Children (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Harassment (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Lewd, Indecent or Obscene Acts (90 days/$500 fine)
Prostitution/Sexual Solicitation (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Sexual Abuse, misdemeanor (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Simple Assault (180 days/$1,000 fine)Stalking (one year/$2,500 fine)
Threats, misdemeanor (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Unlawful Publication (“Revenge Porn”)(180 days/$1,000 fine)
Offenses to Property
Bad Checks =/>$1,000 (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Credit Card Fraud (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Cruelty to Animals (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Destruction of Property (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Fake ID/Misrepresentation of Age
Possession of Open Container of Alcohol (60 days/$500 fine)
Receiving Stolen Property (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Shoplifting (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Theft II (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Unlawful Entry (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Traffic Offenses
Driving under the Influence (180 days/$1,000)
Driving without a Valid Permit (90 days/$500 fine)
Leaving After Colliding, Personal Injury (180 days/$1,000 fine)
Leaving After Colliding, Property Damage (30 days/$250)
Operating After Suspension (1 year/$2,500 fine)
Operating While Impaired (90 days/$500 fine)
Reckless Driving (90 days/$500 fine)
FELONIES (maximum penalty greater than a year of incarceration)
Drug Offenses
Drug Distribution, narcotic/abusive (30 years/$75,000)
Drug Distribution, non-narcotic/abusive (5 years/$12,500)
Drug Distribution, Schedule IV (3 years/$12,500)
Possession of Liquid PCP (3 years/$12,500)
Possession with Intent to Distribute, narcotic/abusive (30 years/$75,000)
Possession with Intent to Distribute, non-narcotic/abusive (5 years/$12,500)
Possession with Intent to Distribute, Schedule IV (3 years/$12,500)
Firearms Offenses
Carrying a Pistol/Dangerous Weapon, 1st Offense (5 years/$12,500)
Carrying a Pistol/Dangerous Weapon, 2nd Offense (10 years/$25,000)
Felon in Possession of Firearm (10 years/$25,000)
Felon in Possession of Firearm – plus crime of violence (15 years/$37,500)
Possession of a Firearm During a Crime of Violence (15 years/$37,500)
Possession of Prohibited Weapon, 2nd Offense/after felony (10 years/$25,000)
Possession of Unregistered Weapon, 2nd Offense/after felony (5 years/$12,500)
Prostitution, 3+ offense (2 years/$12,500)
Offenses to the Person
Aggravated Assault While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Aggravated Assault (10 years/$25,000)
Aggravated Assault – Attempted (5 years/$12,500)
Assault on a Police Officer (10 years/$25,000)
Assault on a Police Officer While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon (10 years/$25,000)
Assault with Intent to Commit Other Felony (5 years/$12,500)
Assault with Intent to Kill (15 years/$37,500)
Assault with Intent to Kill While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Assault with Intent to Rob (15 years/$37,500)
Assault with Intent to Rob While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Assault with Significant Injury (3 years/$12,500)
Assault with Significant Injury While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Carjacking (21 years/$75,000)
Cruelty to Children, 1st degree (15 years/$75,000)
Cruelty to Children, 2nd degree (10 years/$25,000)
Felony Assault (3 years/$12,500)
Identity Theft, 1st degree (10 years/$25,000)
Kidnapping (30 years/$75,000)
Manslaughter, Voluntary (30 years/$250,000)
Manslaughter, Involuntary (30 years/$250,000)
Murder I (Life Without Release/$250,000)
Murder II (Life/$250,000)
Robbery While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Robbery (15 years/$37,500)
Robbery, Attempted While Armed (30 years/$75,000)
Robbery, Attempted (3 years/$12,500)
Sexual Abuse, 1st degree (life without release/$125,000)
Sexual Abuse, 2nd degree (20 years/$50,000)
Sexual Abuse, 3rd degree (10 years/$25,000)
Sexual Abuse, 4th degree (5 years/$12,500)
Stalking, Felony (5 years/$12,500)
Stalking, Felony, 2 or more convictions (10 years/$25,000)
Theft I (10 years/$25,000)
Theft I, two or more convictions (10 years/$25,000)
Theft II, 2 or more convictions (10 years/$25,000)
Threats, Felony (20 years/$50,000)
Unlawful Publication, 1st degree (Revenge Pornography)(3 years/$12,500)
Offenses to Property
Arson (10 years/$25,000)
Bad Checks $1000+ (3 years/$12,500)
Burglary I (30 years/$75,000)
Burglary II (15 years/$37,500)
Contraband, Class A (10 years/$25,000)
Contraband, Class B (2 years/$12,500)
Credit Card Fraud, $1,000+ (10 years/$25,000)
Cruelty to Animals (5 years/$12,500)
Destruction of Property, $1000+ (10 years/$25,000)
Forgery/Uttering, Legal Tender (10 years/$25,000)
Forgery/Uttering, Token (5 years/$12,500)
Forgery/Uttering, Other (3 years/$12,500)
Fraud, Ist degree (10 years/$25,000)
Fraud, 2nd degree (3 years/$12,500)
Insurance Fraud, 1st degree, $1000+ (15 years/$37,500)
Insurance Fraud, 2nd degree, $1000+, 1st Offense (5 years/$12,500)
Insurance Fraud, 2nd degree, $1000+, 2nd Offense (10 years/$12,500)
Receiving Stolen Property, $1000+ (7 years/$25,000)
Tampering with Physical Evidence (3 years/$12,500)
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, Private (5 years/$12,500)
Unauthorized Use of Motor Vehicle, Rental (3 years/$12,500)
Miscellaneous Offenses
Escape/Attempted Escape (5 years/$75,000)
Fleeing Law Enforcement (5 years/$12,500)
Impersonating a Public Official (3 years/$12,500)
Perjury (10 years/$25,000)
Perjury, Subornation of (10 years/$25,000)