“No matter what” and the U.S. Attorney for D.C.

Jamison KoehlerCurrent Events, D.C. Superior Court, Politics, Professional Responsibility/Ethics

“No matter what.” These are chilling words to hear from any law enforcement official.  After all, given the enormous stakes involved in a criminal prosecution, restraint has to be the operative word. It is thus particularly concerning when these words are uttered by the chief federal law enforcement official for the nation’s capital and when the words are targeted at …

On sycophants, yes men and self-respect

Jamison KoehlerD.C. Superior Court, Politics

Here is the recently released statement of Edward R. Martin, the new U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia:   “I want to thank President Trump for trusting me to re-establish law and order in Washington, D.C.  It is the honor of my lifetime to accept his nomination as Interim U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia.  I pledge to …

Trump as tragic hero

Jamison KoehlerMiscellaneous, Politics

Like Oedipus, the classic tragic hero who was felled by his excessive pride and self-righteousness, Trump has been done in by his own personal failings. I am convinced, for example, that but for the fallout from Trump’s narcissism, he would have gone down in history as a successful two-term president.