Good writing has a look
I have a new font: Century Schoolbook. My writing has improved already.
My wife laughs when she hears me rave about the discovery. I hope you realize how nerdy that sounds, she says.
My wife has always loved me for my nerdiness.
You won’t notice the new font on this website. That’s because the website has a different default font. But you will find it on all my hardcopy written products going forward.
I stole the font from the U.S. Attorney’s Office. I knew there was a reason their appellate briefs read better than mine. So I emailed opposing counsel with my odd question. She did not seem surprised. Maybe she too is a nerd.
Good writing has a sound.
When I was growing up, I would come downstairs after writing a paper to read it to my parents. It was not that they offered corrections. They only listened. Then they nodded their heads and reassured me that whatever I had written was great.
But there was something about hearing myself speak the words that helped me find the right language. To this day – now! – I speak the words as I type them. You hear the emphasis. You find the right cadence.
Good writing also has a feel and a taste. That is where the font comes in. You could compare Century Schoolbook to a fine wine. It has body. It is not jumbled or cramped together. It flows. It soothes the mind. It does not try too hard. And I like the way it looks.