The 2011 ABA Journal Blawg 100
Last year I wrote about the ABA’s annual list of the top 100 legal blogs – the ABA Journal Blawg 100 – asking readers to vote for their (and my) favorite blogs for 2010.
I repeat that request this year with the benefit of being able to ask you to vote for my blog as well. I was very honored to be included on this year’s list. (And, yes, I do require external validation.) Thank you very much to anyone who nominated me.
You are required to register in order to vote. This apparently is to prevent ballot-stuffing. But it only takes a moment, and I would very much appreciate your vote. You can find the link here.
I note that I am joined on this list by many of my own favorite blogs, including Associate’s Mind, DA Confidential, Defending People, Federal Criminal Appeals Blog, MyShingle, New York Personal Injury Law Blog, Not Guilty, Simple Justice, Tempe Criminal Defense, and The Criminal Lawyer.