Two Poems on Snow
I wake, and think
so this is how
it comes,
no thunder, wind,
or windstorm’s
violence to rend
our lower nature,
a presence.
Outlines are
familiar: light
was present yesterday.
Without event
the miracle is here.
Given the day,
let crystal loose
on me, to see
beyond the accident
of snow, this
brilliance touched with rose.
@ G. Stanley Koehler
I peeked through the blinds this morning
saw that it was snowing,
and went running
The snow lay in sullied piles
on the side of roads.
I sprint for the playground
and I swing,
a steady pendulum
as the earth spins around me
snow as pure as the morning after
Jesus was crucified, if I believe
in forgiveness after all
You had conversations before I existed, Grandfather.
I thank the places
where the snow slips back into the ground
pure as the moment it
for your words, a light
dust on the ground
and the snow is coming from the North now
and it is time.
@ Laura Koehler